Tuesday, June 19, 2012

China in Africa Blog Wins Danwei Award

Today I was informed that this blog, China in Africa: the Real Story, won a Danwei Model Worker Awards 2012. What's that, you might ask? Apparently it's "a list of the best specialist websites, blogs and online sources of information about China." Danwei is "a website and research firm that tracks Chinese media and Internet."

Thanks, Danwei, and a hat tip to Jan Berris at the National Committee for US China Relations, for letting me know.


Weini said...

Congratulations! And the badge looks very classic.

JE Hansen said...

Congratulations and thank you for a fantastic blog! It has been very helpful for my last paper!

Carlos Oya said...

congratulations! truly well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Well deserved Deborah!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I am currently using this blog for my dissertation, its fantastic